Bloody Beaver

Lewis & Clark | The Corps of Discovery (Part 1)



In the Spring of 1803, the United States acquired the Territory of Louisiana, a largely uncharted tract of wilderness stretching from Canada all the way down to New Orleans, over 800,000 square miles that, as the maps were concerned, remained a mystery. President Thomas Jefferson ordered an expedition to explore Louisiana west to the Pacific Ocean to understand this new purchase better. Tasked with leading this endeavor – officially known as the Corp of Discovery – were Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The Corp of Discovery was to travel some 8,000 miles, navigating their way up the Missouri River before turning west and crossing the Rocky Mountains. If everything went as planned, they’d locate an all-water route linking the Missouri to the Pacific and return to civilization as heroes. Sounds great in theory, but would Lewis and Clark be able to pull it off? Who exactly were Lewis and Clark? What exactly was the Louisiana Purchase? How’d they choose the men who would accompany them on the expediti