Bloody Beaver

Wooden Leg | Life After Custer



On June 25th, 1876, George Armstrong Custer rode into battle for the last time. He and his troops faced an overwhelming force of Lakota and Cheyenne along the banks of the Little Bighorn, and before the sun sank into the horizon, every man in his command was dead. When General Terry arrived two days later, the victorious warriors were already gone. The soldiers on Reno Hill had watched in awe as the large progression, stretching for more than two miles, passed them by. And when Terry and his men approached, their first question was “Where’s Custer?” They’d been so busy just trying to stay alive that they had no idea their commander was dead. This news not only shook the surviving troopers to the core, but also the entire Nation. A Republic getting ready to observe its centennial now had to contend with its most celebrated hero slaughtered at the hands of so-called “savages.” As you can imagine, the reaction was swift. And in less than a year the Great Sioux War would be over, and those who defeated Custer wou