Bloody Beaver

Ned Christie | Indian Outlaw



Ned Christie: Ruthless Cherokee outlaw or courageous hero? Murderer or innocent man? If someone had asked me a year ago who Ned Christie was, I’d have probably said he was just another Indian Territory outlaw. In the same vein as Cherokee Bill or Henry Starr. And I don’t think I’m the only person out there with this misconception. Back in the 1970’s Time Life put out a series of books on the old west. And I personally have – in my possession - a copy of the one titled Gunfighters. I’ve had it since I was a wee little lad, and it has seen better days. The pages are no longer bound, they’re all loose and out of order. A testament to the countless hours I spent flipping through its pages when I was a kid.  There are a couple of pictures of Ned Christie in the book. There’s the one when he was still alive - long hair, holding a rifle in one hand, a revolver in the other, and another pistol strapped around his waist.  Looking like an outlaw. And then there’s the other one, where he’s dead. Propped up against a doo