The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Man Of The House Who Matters - MTP402



Co-Host Brian Ahearn ( My returning guest, Brian Ahearn, has recently published His Story, My Story, Our Story; which is a memoir about his life growing up with his Marine Corps father. But this isn't yet another biography from someone who was told he 'should write a book' because his life is so interesting. Rather, like Matthew McConoghey's Greenlights, it's more FOR you than ABOUT him. In discussing the book, Brian and I turn our discussion on fathers and sons toward what makes a man truly the head of the household rather than just another co-resident of it. Why do we have so many 'absentee parents' nowadays? What is the best way to instill trust in your wife and promote good behavior with your kids? What is a man to so when his young sons hit their 'knucklehead stage' around 9-12 years old? And what about when your teenage daughters hit their teen years? How do we as men lead so as to set the right vibe for our entire household...and indeed our entire life? What shockin