Gcf Austin




Life Group Questions 1.  Pastor Ryan described the doctrine of defeat (dispensationalism) which didn’t exist prior to the 1850’s. Because of the Scofield Reference Bible and other influences, the American church adopted a defeatist mentality. What do you believe about the future? 2.  What is the difference between a sub-culture and a counter-culture? What is the church called to be? 3.  The Jews in biblical times thought in two time periods. The age of the law and the prophets and the age of the messianic kingdom. Both ages existed simultaneously between 30-70AD. Why did this happen and what does it mean? 4.  When we read “last days” in the bible, what is it referring to? 5.  The kingdom of God is referenced over 160 times in the New Testament. What is your understanding of God’s kingdom and the role you are to play in building it?