Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

The Dangers Of Delayed Care And Diagnosis



So, let’s talk about the deadly effects of delayed care, misdiagnosis, and delayed diagnosis as seen in the story of the late “Compton Bohemian”, Jessica Pettway… Have you ever brushed off a diagnosis even after experiencing signs and symptoms that aren’t normal to you? Have you gone through delayed care or a diagnosis from a healthcare provider you thought would help treat you? Just two weeks ago, famous YouTuber and beauty influencer Jessica Pettway died from stage 3 cervical cancer after having been misdiagnosed. Before her passing, Jessica disclosed that she had been misdiagnosed with fibroids in July 2022, only to be accurately diagnosed with cancer in February 2023. This speaks a lot about the sad truth of how many people and healthcare providers brush off diagnosis on a day-to-day basis, thinking “I’ll get to it later”, although unfortunately, for many people, the time for “later” does not come. And that’s exactly why I’m here in the system – to make sure that less people will do or go through that. Je