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Free Spring Detox Workshop with Cate Stillman



Welcome to the Thrive with Cate Stillman podcast. In this podcast episode, we discussed detoxification and holistic health practices. We'll explore the importance of emotional detox, forgiveness, and self-compassion, as well as practical techniques such as urine therapy and fasting rhythms with Cate. What You'll Get Out of Tuning In Insights into the significance of forgiveness and emotional detoxification Understanding the benefits of urine therapy and fasting rhythms Real-life experiences shared by participants on their journey to holistic health Practical advice on addressing malnourishment during detoxification Highlights Cate discusses the importance of forgiveness and self-empathy in the detoxification process. Participants share their experiences and transformations through holistic health practices over the years. Practical tips are provided on integrating detox habits into daily life, including urine therapy and fasting rhythms. Cate offers advice on addressing malnourishment during