Andrew Farley

Complete in Christ - Part 1



Discussion Questions for Colossians: Read verse 5. What does it mean to you that your hope is laid up in Heaven, fully protected by God? What does it mean for your salvation? Your inheritance? Read verse 6. React to this statement: The message of God’s grace is constantly bearing fruit all over the world. Read verses 9-10. How does this passage inspire a more Jesus-centered view of “knowing God’s will”? What is God’s will? What is the result of knowing it? Read verse 12. React to this statement: The Father has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints. Read verse 13. What exactly do you think this verse is describing? So, what happened to you? And when? Read verse 14. React to this statement: You already have both redemption and forgiveness in Christ. You don’t need to ask God daily for either one! Read verses 16-17. What does it mean to you that Jesus Christ is your Creator? What does this say about His knowledge of you? Read verse 18. React to this statement: Jesus already has first place in