Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

9 Surprising Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (DON’T Miss These!)



Experiencing symptoms and not sure where they are coming from? It may just be your thyroid. Owing to the fact that just bout every cell in your body has a thyroid hormone receptor, the symptoms of hypothyroidism are vast. And while you may know about the more common symptoms, there are plenty that can easily get mixed if you don’t know what you are looking for. With that in mind, here are some of the most surprising symptoms of hypothyroidism (low thyroid function): 1. High cholesterol Thyroid hormone regulates the elimination of cholesterol. When thyroid hormone is low, cholesterol clearance is decreased which causes a build-up of cholesterol in the body. 2. Menstrual problems Because thyroid hormone impacts both progesterone and estrogen, low thyroid can cause menstrual problems including problems with fertility. 3. Swelling in the legs and in the face Low thyroid function increases mucopolysaccharides in the tissues which pull water along with them. This results in swelling wherever they go.