Simply Abundant Intuitive

#754: When Life Appears To Be a Soul Sucking Vortex (REBROADCAST)



Most of us have periods in our lives where it feels like everything is a shit show. You feel like the universe is conspiring against you and no one is on your team. Even when people do try to help by offering advice, it annoys the crap out of you. Then, on top of it all, you feel wrong in your feelings because you think you should be able to rise above it. Society says to buck up and be positive! When life happens and you start going down the rabbit hole, it’s ok to stay there for a moment, but you do not want to get stuck there. Wallowing for weeks (or longer) is a victim pattern you need to look at because YOU are the one keeping yourself there. Your active participation in your life matters. When you blame other people, or the universe, for what’s happening, you stay buried in that hole. In this week’s podcast I share my personal experience with loss and my husband’s illness. During the last 18 months I have been challenged to surrender and find happiness even while surrounded by tragedy. It is not easy,