Southside Community Church - Milton

"The Stories He Told" Wedding Reception Embarrassment



August 12, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? "Wedding Reception Embarrassment" Luke 14.7-14 Jesus told stories that had not only great kingdom significance but also poignant practical application. Like how to behave at a wedding :) Presumption is an awkward disposition that gets us in trouble - what is its opposite we wonder? So Jesus gives us a case study where presumption would get a person into a sticky situation and would cause public embarrassment. And somewhere tucked away in the red-faced story is a lesso