Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

2140: The Opposite is True: Discover Enemies & Allies by Efren Delgado



Jason shares a video of Barbara Corcoran sharing her insights on real estate amidst the pandemic. Despite widespread beliefs, housing prices continue to surge due to low inventory and high demand. Corcoran advises potential buyers to act quickly, emphasizing the enduring appeal of homeownership. Jason also touches on the economic potential of an eclipse in Texas and the growing trend of young adults living with their parents, hinting at future housing demand.  Then for today's 10th episode, Jason welcomes Efren Delgado, a former FBI agent and author of "The Opposite is True," as he discusses counter-intuitive psychology and his experiences in law enforcement. He shares insights into the motivations of criminals, emphasizing their underlying insecurities. Delgado advises trusting instincts, analyzing situations dispassionately, and embracing humility to counteract corrupting power dynamics. He critiques societal aversion to risk-taking and champions self-improvement, contrasting successful individuals' altruis