Kingdom Roots With Scot Mcknight

Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Conversation with Aimee Byrd) - KR 156



Join us for the Urban Leadership Symposium on Aug. 12, 2020. Register here >> Do men and women benefit equally from God's word? Are they equally responsible in sharpening one another in the faith and passing it down to the next generation? While radical feminists claim that the Bible is a hopelessly patriarchal construction by powerful men that oppresses women, evangelical churches simply reinforce this teaching when we constantly separate men and women, customizing women's resources and studies according to a culturally based understanding of roles. Do we need men's Bibles and women's Bibles, or can the one, holy Bible guide us all? Is the Bible, God's word, so male-centered and authored that women need to create their own resources to relate to it? No! And in it, we also learn from women. Women play an active role as witnesses to the faith, passing it on to the new generations. Suggested Resources: Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - https:/