Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

Mad Science With The Mad Bioengineer Dr. Craig Richard



So, let’s talk about the marriage between nanotechnology and medicine, and how this can help revolutionize cancer treatment… Have you ever wondered what the field of bioengineering entails? At its core, bioengineering is a discipline that harnesses the principles of biology and engineering to develop innovative solutions for a variety of problems. It is a world filled with extraordinary, cutting-edge, and most importantly, profoundly impactful innovations. And with its revolutionary advancements in medicine, agriculture, and more, it is truly shaping our world in ways we could never have imagined before. Unfortunately, this is a science that I know little to nothing about. But worry no more, for in this week’s episode, I’ll be joined by a trailblazer in this field – Dr. Craig Richard, a Black doctor who not only pushes the limits of what nanotechnology and medicine can do but is also a staunch proponent for representation and mentorship of Black students in STEM fields. If you feel like me, whose knowledge ab