This Week In America With Ric Bratton

Episode 2909: THE MAGIC STONES by Grandma Nor



The Magic Stones by Grandma NorMolly and Pete go in search of a cave their fathers had often spoken of but had not been able to find. They find the cave their way to a second cave in which they see a very dark pond and large flowers all around that seem to glitter and within the flowers tiny fairies sleep.Randi McKinnon came to the country from Norway in 1959 and settled in Oregon. After working in the Food and Hospitality Service 40 some old year, she retired. Thinking retirement was boring, she needed something new to hold her interest. She decided to take a correspondence course in writing children’s books through the Institute of Children’s Literature.Most of her stories are fictions as she embellishes on stories told to her as a child. She had no playmates and made up her own games. Trolls, fairies, and the like were believed to be real, according to their grandparents. So, remembering these, she has a lot to write about.