Sharp & Hot

Episode 82: Presentation Party Night: Andy and Ashley



Presentation Party Night: Andy and Ashley : Tune in to a brand new episode of Sharp & Hot as Anne and Emily are joined by Andy and Ashley, the team behind Presentation Party Night — a monthly lecture series based in Bushwick, Brooklyn, and founded on the idea that everyone has something to teach. Their goal was to create a forum for learning and progressive discussion in our community, but to make it free and fun. PPN combines a party atmosphere with informational programming to make a raucous celebration of peer education, food, and beer. Their events happen on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Everything is totally free and open to the public – they provide beer and food (potluck style – bring something to share) and they survive on donations from the audience. This program was brought to you by “I’m a designer by profession and I go to a lot of events that are so specifically geared towards certain people. We have been about being as inclusive as possible and making it about everyone.”