Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

What is Chakra Balancing and How to Incorporate it into Your Spiritual Practice



Sometimes ancient teachings, it takes a while for modern medicine and modern science to catch up. But we're starting to see this deluge of evidence-based trials and studies on meditation, on Ayurvedic herbs, on energy-based practices like acupuncture and reiki. And so there is even research now coming around these chakras, these energetic centers. So before we delve into that, I just want you to consider for a moment that these energy centers have a physical location, so to speak. So chakra means a wheel. It's an energy wheel that is spinning. And so for instance, when you feel love, it tends to feel it literally around your physical heart. And this is your Anahata chakra, which is connected to love and care and compassion. And some believe if there is, and this extends out into your hands and your arms. So some believe, for instance, if there's a sort of blockage energetically in this area, it can manifest physically, whether that's in cardiovascular issues or maybe in you know issues with the breast tissue