Jenn Taylor #rerouting

THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE for FAMILIES who are Parenting with DOWN SYNDROME - With Steve Friedman - S6 E70



28 years ago our first daughter was born. Gwendolyn has Down syndrome and has taken us on a wonderful journey. We struggled at times and now celebrate her independence journey which has culminated in continuing education beyond high school, work, independent housing, and self-advocacy. Most parents find independence for those with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities to be an overwhelming mystery.  My website ( and book 'The Essential Guide for Families with Down Syndrome' provide guidance and resources so families can navigate the opportunities and challenges toward success.  This generation is the first that will outlive their parents/caregivers. This invites great opportunities and many challenges including health, financial, and housing. Regardless of your child's age, the time is now to build an independence plan to achieve your family's goals.  After 30 years in corporate America, I'm now an author seeking to share experience and guidance to se