Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Conversation, Education, and Empowerment for Women who are still on their way to Motherhood with Beth Rivelli - S6 E57



I personally missed motherhood which is why, as a Motherhood Story Coach, I am creating a movement of conversation, education, and empowerment for women who are still on their way to motherhood. The status quo silence of our culture contributes to a mindset that we are just supposed to know how to become and be moms and that we have to do it alone. I consider this a mindset "virus" that stays with us at every stage of motherhood and feeds shame.  When I talk with moms, I inevitably hear, "I wish I had had something like this when I was younger." I see your listeners as mothers of the younger generation who are desperately grasping to create their own motherhood lore and find models they can look to. - There is very little dialogue about the journey TO motherhood until we have issues - the downstream effect - The silence around this part of the journey leaves us feeling alone - Let's shed the "one size fits all" mentality when it comes to our bodies and fertility - Educating o