Tuesday Breakfast

Public housing crisis in Victoria, THE P.R.OMISED LAND, The Community Grocer launches in Flemington, Palestinian Voices podcast, Maddy Weeks at Comedy Fest



Headlines// 7.15: Katelyn Butterss, CEO of the Victorian Public Tenants Association speaks to Jennifer Borrell on 3CR's Think Again about the difference between community, public and social housing and what we know and don't know about the Victorian Government's plan to demolish the public housing towers. The full interview aired on Think Again on Friday 12th April 2024, listen here// 7.30: Naarm-based Italian performance artist and scholar Dr Angela Viora on her current exhibition at CO.AS.IT entitled THE P.R.OMISED LAND: New Italians in Australia. Follow Angela on Instagram @viora_et_labora// 7.45: General Manager of The Community Grocer Georgia Savage on running a not-for-profit social enterprise offering fresh produce markets and programs to increase social, economic and physical access to fresh food as well as launching a pop up store in Flemington on 20 April. Follow them on Instagram @thecommunitygrocer// 8.00: Nina Springle, member of Mums for Palestine, a community action group for people who identif