Tprs Russian Effortless Russian

20 – Elton John and his wardrobe (A1: Clothes and Colors)



Today we learn Russian colors!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Сэр Элтон Джон любит красивую одежду. У него есть розовый костюм и голубой свитер. А вот его знаменитые оранжевые очки и зелёные ботинки. Он точно не любит чёрный цвет! Text in English: Sir Elton John loves beautiful clothes. He has a pink suit and a blue sweater. And then there are his famous orange glasses and green boots. He definitely doesn't like the colo