Books And More With Lenore

Spy Novels and Post Traumatic Growth - Neil Douglas-Tubb's The Ghost and the Dustman and living your big beautiful life



What do spy novels and post traumatic growth have in common? Author, and clinical counsellor, Neil Douglas Tubb, and I talk it out... We discuss his recently released spy novel, The Ghost and the Dustman and Neil shares from his life experience and how he transitioned from police work and spy stuff to work as a clinical counsellor specializing in PTSD. We talk about the ways his personal life and years of collected wisdom informs his writing - especially his approach to getting words on the page.  19:19 - Hear more about the motto for personal growth: "Open mind, open heart, and a willingness to change." 24:00 - "Have the life you were meant to have." How after trauma there's a need for spiritual recuscitation 28:00 - "The business of life is to have an experience - get out there..." 36:00 - Kick your ego to the curb and surrender to the process. 37:50 - Neil thanks J.K. Rowling for giving him the one insight he needed to move forward writing fiction.