The Kevin Rose Show

Magatte Wade, Unlocking Prosperity in Africa (#53)



Kevin is joined by Magatte Wade, renowned for her TEDTalk and activism dedicated to unlocking prosperity in Africa. Magatte discusses the challenges and opportunities facing Africa today. She elaborates on her journey since the talk, focusing on her efforts to improve Africa's economic conditions through innovative startup cities and advocating for economic freedom. Magatte provides a deep dive into the intricacies of creating prosperous environments in Africa, her personal experiences with bureaucratic challenges, and her vision for Africa’s future. Partners: Notion: Try Notion AI free to automate tedious tasks and streamline your work Manscaped: 20% off precision engineered grooming tools with code KEVINROSE Facet: Personalized Financial Planning + $250 enrollment fee waived Guest Bio and Links: Magatte Wade is the world's leading African prosperity activist. She was made famous initially for a TEDTalk she made in 2017 about what she argues is an excessive regulatory environment in Africa which forces yo