The New Stack Makers

How Giant Swarm Is Helping to Support the Future of Flux



When Weaveworks, known for pioneering "GitOps," shut down, concerns arose about the future of Flux, a critical open-source project. However, Puja Abbassi, Giant Swarm's VP of Product, reassured Alex Williams, Founder and Publisher of The New Stack at Open Source Summit in Paris that Flux's maintenance is secure in this episode of The New Makers podcast. Giant companies like Microsoft Azure and GitLab have pledged support. Giant Swarm, an avid Flux user, also contributes to its development, ensuring its vitality alongside related projects like infrastructure code plugins and UI improvements. Abbassi highlighted the importance of considering a project's sustainability and integration capabilities when choosing open-source tools. He noted Argo CD's advantage in UI, emphasizing that projects like Flux must evolve to meet user expectations and avoid being overshadowed. This underscores the crucial role of community support, diversity, and compatibility within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's ecosystem for l