Cold Case Files: The Podcast

I SURVIVED: I'm Either Going To Take A Round Or That Bomb Is Gonna Go Off



Gwen is a librarian and Lloyd is a Sheriff’s deputy, both are among the 18 hostages held captive by an armed assailant with a dead man’s switch in a Salt Lake City library. Rose discovers she is with child shortly before an intense storm leads to an industrial accident at sea, mangling her legs and endangering her pregnancy. After ending her abusive marriage, Kelly finds herself in even more danger when her ex-husband stalks and eventually shoots her. Progressive: Multitask right now. Quote your car insurance at to join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive. Rosetta Stone: Don’t put off learning that language - there’s no better time than RIGHT NOW to get started! For a very limited time, I Survived listeners can get Rosetta Stone’s Lifetime Membership for 50% off! Visit