Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

You Shall Find Only What You Want - Shunyamurti Teaching



The human ego, in its postmodern end-of-kali-yuga form, is obsessed with its bodily form and its self-definition. It desperately needs to create a defined personality with fixed views and prejudice against other paradigms of reality, since otherwise it cannot hold on to the feeling that it exists. The ego’s lack of existence thus is repressed and over that black hole is projected the image of a self-fashioned fictional entity that believes it is real. The entity likewise constructs an unreal world on which it projects its many dissociated fragments with their desires, plus its shadow drives, foreclosed wisdom, and objects of both desire and fear. To awaken from this self-created hell realm, the consciousness must release its clinging to conceptualizations, including that of the imagined ego.