Girls Gotta Eat

How to Stop Overvaluing People Who Undervalue You with Matthew Hussey



We are so excited to have Matthew Hussey back, fresh off the release of his amazing new book Love Life, to talk about raising your standards and finding love. He validates the stress (and often sadness) around finding a partner in the first place and why it’s hard to “just relax,” and then we discuss why you may need to fight against your own instincts when dating. Matthew breaks down how to raise your standards, recognize intention vs. attention, stop overvaluing the wrong people, and let go of “unhatched eggs.” He also opens about his marriage and how, at the beginning of the relationship, his wife lowered the stakes while raising the standard. Lastly, we discuss finding the strength to leave an unhealthy relationship. Before Matthew joins us, we’re talking about nudes, awkward customer service interactions, the plane window shade debate, and BOOTH BOYFRIENDS. Enjoy! Follow Matthew on instagram @thematthewhussey, order his book Love Life, and listen to his podcast Love Life with Matthew Hussey.  Follow us o