The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Very Definition Of Wisdom - MTP406



Co-Host Dr. Laura Gabayan ( Knowing that you guys tend to LOVE the episodes where we apply science to social dynamics, I've found a true expert in the field of the scientific basis for human wisdom. Dr. Laura Gabayan is both a medical professor at UCLA and a social scientist. As she embarked upon studying the subject of this episode, she recognized that all major religions talk about wisdom and many famous people have written about it, but she was taken aback as to how subjective, if not purely anecdotal, all the information out there was. She craved more objectivity so she set out to evaluate wisdom herself in a more, well...scientific context. She interviewed sixty of the world's wisest people over the course of several months, and arrived at eight scientifically provable elements of wisdom. We kick off this fascinating conversation by talking about what Laura discovered during her research. Do we as men really 'mellow with age', or is something deeper really going on t