Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success!

Ben Gay III and Denise Griffitts Page 241 of The Closers Pt 2



If you are not yet familiar with The Closers Part 2 by Ben Gay III - the book  delves into the nuanced, sophisticated techniques and mindset strategies used by the top "master closers" in the sales profession. The Closers Pts 1 and 2 are widely recognized as THE Sales Bibles. Opening the book to this chapter 'And Another Thing,' we journey to page 241, specifically to the segment titled 'Curing the Be-Back Blues.' I invite you to revisit our previous conversations - all six of them - to follow along as we delve into the narrative. This chapter underscores the significance of perpetual learning and personal growth in the realm of top-tier salesmanship. Find us on the web: Denise Griffitts LinkedIn | Ben Gay III LinkedIn | The Closers Books Call Denise Toll-Free 888-719-6711