Nationalism Course Podcast

Speaking at Modern Dissent / Free Speech Union



YouTube version: Inaugural talk of Modern Dissent series, given by Prof. Eric Kaufmann on Wednesday, 28th February 2024 in London 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:56 Lecture 01:09:22 Q&A Apologies for the audio clipping and the last few questions not getting included. We're still learning with AV, and future recordings are sure to be better! # Speaker *Eric Kaufmann* is Professor of Politics at the University of Buckingham (formerly at Birkbeck, University of London). He is the author of the acclaimed 2018 book *Whiteshift: Immigration, Populism and the Future of White Majorities*, among others. His upcoming book, *Taboo: How Making Race Sacred Produced a Cultural Revolution*, is due to be published in May of this year. He has also written for The Telegraph, The New Statesman, The Critic, City Journal, UnHerd, and Quillette. # Topic *Taboo: Liberalism, not Cultural Marxism, Explains Woke* _Woke is the sacralisation of historically marginalised race, gender and sexual ide