Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

AT#871 - Travel to Egypt and Mount Sinai



Hear about travel to Egypt including Cairo and climbing Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula as the Amateur Traveler talks to Greg from about their recent trip to see a different part of Egypt. Why should you go to Egypt? Greg says, "I think there are a million reasons why someone should go to Egypt. Warm and hospitable people. Great culture. Egyptian history obviously is vast, and it's one of the oldest civilizations in the world. There's so much to see in Lower Egypt, in Cairo there's just an endless wealth of treasures to explore but when we visited Egypt, we decided to go a little bit off of the traditional route that a lot of tourists go it's not that we weren't interested in going to Luxor and Aswan and doing a Nile cruise. We enjoy history, but we're not history buffs, and I think, to us, there was enough ancient history in Cairo." "So while Luxor would have been great to visit, we had enough of a time with Egyptian hi