St Peters Orthodox Church

Palm Sunday: Rejoicing & Repentance



On Palm Sundays, there are two services joined together as one. On this day we have the Blessing of the Palms and the Gospel is read regarding Christ's entrance into Jerusalem to go to His Passion. And in the Mass of the day, one of the Passion Gospels is read. So we have something festive and something sorrowful all at once set before us. The Jews welcomed Jesus crying out Hosanna which means "save us." But they misunderstood the salvation Christ came to offer all, for it was not an earthly but an eternal salvation He came to grant to us all. But we know why He entered Jerusalem. So we do rejoice rightly. But at the same time, we cry out "save us" from humble hearts knowing our need for mercy; the mercy His blood would be shed to eternally pour over every one of us.