Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Revolutionizing Wellness this Spring with Dr. Laura



Welcome to another episode of "Got Clutter? Get Organized!" — your go-to podcast for all things organization and wellness, where today we dive into the transformative world of telemedicine with the dynamic Dr. Laura, affectionately known as “America’s Favorite Doctor.” In this episode, Dr. Laura brings her extensive experience from spearheading major telehealth startups and managing a patient panel of over 25,000. A 14-year veteran of the US Army and a pioneer in telemedicine, she has a wealth of knowledge to share, from extending virtual care in war zones to navigating the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. What We Discuss: The Wellness Pivot: How Dr. Laura transitioned from military service to focusing on wellness, and the driving forces behind her career shift. Unhealthy Routines Unveiled: Dr. Laura talks about everyday habits that could be detrimental to our health and how to recognize them. Incorporating Wellness into Daily Life: Simple, effective strategies for enhancing both physical and mental we