Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

From Military Spouse to Creative Powerhouse: Rebecca Casselman's Journey from the North Pole to Podcasting



Join us on 'Got Clutter? Get Organized with Janet' as we embark on a captivating journey with Rebecca Casselman, a multifaceted director, actress, writer, and military spouse originally from North Pole, Alaska. In this episode, we'll explore the intertwining paths of creativity, personal growth, and organization through Rebecca's eyes. From the stress and overwhelm caused by disorganization in military life to the tips and strategies for maintaining order and balance as a wife, mother, and podcaster, Rebecca shares her unique insights and experiences. Plus, we'll dive into her creative ventures, from co-hosting the 'Candy from Strangers' podcast to her upcoming feature film 'Next to North' and her novel 'The Fourth Fate.' Whether you're a creative professional, a military spouse, or anyone looking to infuse more organization into your life, this episode is packed with inspiration and practical advice to help you on your journey." This description aims to capture the essence of Rebecca's journey and the valuab