Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 212: Mothers by Kusahara Umi



Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate! In this episode, we're talking about Mothers, by Kusahara Umi! Mothers is a one-woman anthology published by Glacier Bay Books. It's got a dozen stories, and virtually all of them are hits. Seriously, find yourself a copy of this book if you don't already have one! We talk in-depth and discuss each story in this book, which is rich with meaning and ideas to unpack. The tales in this collection examine themes of motherhood, family, loss, and practically the whole gamut of human emotions. It was a true pleasure to read and discuss all of these stories! If you have any thoughts, comments, questions, or corrections, we're here. Feel free to hit us up on our socials, or email us! We have a Linktree here: Thanks again to Corey J. Beats for producing our theme music. Check out all of his music on various platforms here: