School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#260 How to Know What Science to Believe About What's Healthy & What's Not??



I received this excellent question in my Instagram DM "How do you decide which scientific research to listen to? Particularly when it comes to health-related topics like what is healthy to eat and what is not? It seems there is a pretty consistent message in science and research to avoid highly processed foods and sugar. But on the finer points with things such as seed oils, carnivore diet, intermittent fasting, coffee/tea etc. it seems that there is just as much research on the opposite side of the thing you and Greg believe. For example, I can find research from all kinds of researchers, scientists, and doctors saying that coffee/tea is either neutral or slightly beneficial while you and Greg believe it is unhealthy. And the same for how many vegetables/grains should be included in a diet. There is a lot of research saying you should be eating a wide variety of plant fiber. With all of the mix of information, I'm just wondering what your process is for deciding what to listen to or believe?"