True Crime Garage

West Memphis 3 /// A Harvest of Innocence /// Part 1



West Memphis 3 /// A Harvest of Innocence Part 1 of 2  www.TrueCrimeGarage.comAfter taking a listen once again to our West Memphis 3 case coverage from 2016 we have decided to revisit the case and get some additional thoughts from a perspective not yet heard on TCG.  Today we welcomed in Dan Stidham, the Defense Attorney for Jesse Misskelley Jr.  Mr. Stidham represented Jesse for many years and at some points was assisting Jason Baldwin as well.  He has since gone on to become a highly respected Judge in Arkansas.  While he is not a fan of the Alford plea, he remains one of the key figures in this case that helped the West Memphis 3 to finally get released from prison after serving 18 years.  This week’s recommended reading is - A Harvest of Innocence; the untold story of the West Memphis Three murder case by Dan Stidham  Follow True Crime Garage on X @TrueCrimeGarage / Follow Nic on X @TCGNIC / Follow The Captain on X @TCGCaptain  Listen to True Crime Garage Off The Record.  Now available on Apple Podcast Su