Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Erin Leider-Pariser, Unleashing Personal Transformation through Adventure Travel, Episode 344



Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to someone who embodies the spirit of adventure and personal growth—Erin Leider-Pariser. She is a wellness expert and the founder of Sports Travel Adventure Therapy (STAT). With over fifty STAT trips across all seven continents, she has facilitated life-changing experiences for more than five hundred women. Her book, Get Lost, not only recounts these adventures but also shares her 'Seven Principles for Trekking Life with Grace'—golden rules that guide women toward their best selves. Complete with practical advice for forming your own group travel adventures, regardless of budget, Erin’s work invites women to ignite their adventurous spirits, whether that means traveling to distant lands or taking bold new steps toward their dreams. In This Episode: Erin Leider-Pariser shares her journey from Miami Beach cheerleader to leading transformative adventure travel trips for women, emphasizing spiritual practices and fostering bonding among participants. Explore the transf