Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Is Self Criticism Stopping You in Your Job Search? with Victoria Hepburn



Self-criticism can be a success killer for a job seeker. It causes you to feel like a failure before you begin and encourages you to hide your true self. How do you overcome this? Find Your Dream Job guest Victoria Hepburn suggests beginning by listing your strengths and weaknesses. Then, assess which of the weaknesses actually need to be addressed and which are simply limiting beliefs. Once you know that, you can practice self-compassion exercises to help you break free from those beliefs.  About Our Guest: Victoria Hepburn ( is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and certified coach. Resources in This Episode: Are you struggling with burnout at work? Learn more about Victoria’s battle with burnout and how she overcame it in her book, Pressure Makes Diamonds: Simple Habits for Busy Professionals to Break the Burnout Cycle ( From our Spons