Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How Content Creation Helps Your Job Search (and How to Do It), with Orlando Haynes



If you’re a job seeker, you’re likely using LinkedIn to help you find your next position, but are you using it to its full capacity? Find Your Dream Job guest Orlando Haynes says visibility creates opportunity, so the more eyes you get your content in front of, the more connections you can make. Orlando suggests experimenting with text, audio, and video to gain attention. But don’t just share anything; share value. A great way to start is by taking an article written by someone else, adding your well-thought-out comments to it, and sharing that to get comfortable creating content for the platform.  About Our Guest: Orlando Haynes ( is a talent acquisition leader, host of the CareerTALKS Podcast (, and co-creator of the Career Accelerator Planner (  Resources in This Episode: Are you a professional ready to grow in y