Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

What You Need to Know About Job References, with Daisy Wright



Your professional references can make or break your chances of getting a job. Select, nurture and prep your people to give you the best possible reference when they get the call from your potential new boss! Our guest on this episode of Find Your Dream Job gives you practical tips to strengthen your references. About Our Guest: Daisy Wright Daisy Wright is chief encouragement officer at The Wright Career Solution, a certified career management coach and professional resume writer. She works with executives, managers and mid-career professionals to help them get hired faster. Daisy is also the author of two books, “No Canadian Experience, Eh? A Career Success Guide for New Immigrants,” and “Tell Stories, Get Hired: Innovative Strategies to Land Your Next Job and Advance Your Career.” Resources in this Episode: If You Want Something, Ask For It: A listener in Oregon asks for advice on relocating within the same state.  Get another