Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How to Future-Proof Your Career, with Jane Barrett



None of us expect to do one job alone in the 40-plus years most of us will spend in the workplace.  But how do we make sure we don’t get left behind by the changing needs of employers? To future-proof your career you need to play to your strengths. And you always need to be learning. About Our Guest: Jane Barrett Jane Barrett is a guest lecturer at leading business schools in Europe and an executive recruiter. Her clients include banks, blue companies, and startups. She is also the co-author of 'How to Take Charge of Your Career' ( and the host of the podcast Grow Your Own Career: Resources in this Episode: Have your parents influenced your career choices? Read 'The Jobs You're Most Likely to Inherit From Your Mother and Father' from NYTimes: What do you do when you’re not satisfied with your