

podcast How we can make changes by all by yourself – without needing Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CD’s and MP3 downloads….although I still strongly suggest them as they just work. Or maybe you have been working with a therapist, hypnotherapist, life coach etc and there is still some of the issue left over. The most probable reason for the continuing thoughts or why we hold onto issues is because it’s been a habit for a long period of time…more often enough anyway. To be honest if you have made big changes conquering it I believe any remaining symptoms will go over time as your conscious and unconscious mind is developing the new mindsets, feelings and behaviours….it can take some time But how can we speed the process up? Also maybe this is your first real attempt in making a change in your life..and you want something you can apply today? Well there are a couple of things that I suggest: 1) Break the thought pattern. As soon as you have that thought, replay that thought/self talk in the silliest voice that it seems