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#45 Financial Abundance Mindsets



podcast Financial Abundence Mindsets - Joseph Clough FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD I’ve ready quite a few biographies, and the once that I love reading are all about entrepreneurs. In this podcast I go into some common themes and mindsets on how people have come from nothing, even huge amount of debt to being financially abundant rich beyond our wildest dreams. Oh by the way despite some beliefs we have about money being bad let’s quickly get something straight. Money is not bad, it is energy, energy which is ultimately a transaction or exchange of goods, services and work which once we have healthy associations to we can get money and give more of it away to charities, form our own, invest it and enjoying it. I think being spiritually evolved includes money, when we have the illusion of judging it as evil do we actually take power away from ourselves and our own spirituality. Life is about being rich and abundant in health, in our relationships, our career, our personal development, spiritual growth and also money. Aft