Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 23: Women and Business with Jean Chatzky



Here's something that won't come as a surprise to anyone: men and women are different. That means we approach business differently, too! We have unique strengths and also unique challenges. So in this episode, I'll unpack tips on how you can pursue your passions and be successful. Plus, my guest this week is financial journalist, author and speaker Jean Chatzky. She'll walk us through her journey to finding success, from self-proclaimed high school math geek to magazine writer to unexpectedly starting her own company. She'll weigh in on our unique challenges as women in business. Our success story this week features April Perry, a mom who wanted to generate income while staying home with her kids. She found her business idea in a surprising way, and she'll share that with us. And I'll answer your top business questions! 1:08 Women and Business 18:47 Interview with Jean Chatzky 44:41 BB Success Story with April Perry 56:52 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 66:25 Homework - Sign up for the Business Boutique Academy and get $10