The Todd Herman Show

Gap Theory- Why Young People Hurt Ep-1589



When there are gaps in life and gaps in relationships, Satan will try and step into those gaps. He is looking for vacuums. I have this theory that there are all kinds of gaps that are leading people into things like taking up causes that they know nothing about. They don’t have a cause, so Satan comes along and hands them a cause. This is exhibited in a group of young people in Portland who burned police cars as a preemptive attack to help Palestine. There are clearly gaps in the life of Pastor John Miller. His wife, Micca, apparently died by suicide, but the strange happenings in the wake of her death leading many to question what really happened. I allowed a gap to appear in my daughter’s life. I did not respond when she began to develop challenges with her body and a subsequent eating disorder. Thank the Lord for what he has done in her life. There are gaps in the lives of children and parents and it is being filled by satanic messages, like the lie of “transgenderism”. What does God’s Word say? Philippian