Raw Talk With Sheena

#46 Tuning In to Co-Create a life 'Beyond the Ordinary' with John Burgos



In this enchanting episode of Raw Talk, Sheena talks to John Burgos, the founder and host of Beyond The Ordinary Show. Through his show and the journey that has brought him to this place, John shares information and inspiration to assist others in their personal transformative journeys. Here, John and Sheena are able discover how we may show up authentically to co-create with the universe in manifesting the life we want. The two cover some information on the colorful channels and guests of Beyond the Ordinary, as well as touch on the Shamanic Journey John took this year to celebrate his birthday. This episode provides beautiful insight into fearlessly learning more about oneself, and channeling that knowledge to live more authentically. This episode will leave you feeling more reflective and at ease with finding your path. Learn more about John and tune in his Beyond the Ordinary Show at www.beyondtheordinaryshow.com.