Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

2154 FBF: Facebook Data Mining, New Home Development, Regulatory Impact on Home Prices & Millennials Trying to Buy Homes with Matthew Gardner



Today's Flashback Friday is from episode 1013, published last June 13, 2018. Jason Hartman starts off the show giving President Trump credit where credit is due, and that's in regards to the summit in Singapore with North Korea. Trump has been able to get them to the negotiating table, which no other US president has been able to accomplish. Then, Jason gives a little warning about one of the scariest companies in the world today, Facebook. In the interview portion today we have the first half of Jason's interview with Matthew Gardner, Chief Economist at Windermere Real Estate. The two discuss what's going on in the macro US economy, what's going on with home inventory levels, some of the easiest ways to lower home prices, and the Millennial's (mostly futile) quest to save up for a down payment.  Key Takeaways: 2:55 Give credit where it's due, Trump got the meeting with North Korea, that's historic 9:09 All the (scary) ways Facebook is gathering your data Matthew Gardner Interview: 14:19 What's Matthew's take