Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Programming Water with Intention with Michael Hobson



Join us for an enlightening journey into the fascinating world of water memory and its probable impact on health and well-being! Michael Hobson will be your guide, drawing from the groundbreaking research of esteemed scientists like Jacques Benveniste, Luc Montagnier, and Bernd Kröplin. In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, we discover the incredible ability of water to store and transmit information, influenced by both external frequencies and human consciousness. From Dr. Masaru Emoto's work with water crystals to Veda Austin's crystallographic studies, we'll explore how water responds to intention and thought. These insights reveal how we can positively impact our health and the world by programming water with intention. By understanding this, we can potentially improve the quality of the water we consume, including the water within our bodies, leading to better health and longevity. Join me and mathematician, econometrics professor, and water expert, Michael Hobson as we delve into captivating topics: