Church At The Cross

The Missionary God and the Missionary Church | Romans 10:5–17



Scripture: Romans 10:5–17 Key Takeaways:   A Person is saved solely by faith in the crucified and risen Lord Jesus, apart from works. Apart from personal, conscious, saving faith in Jesus people will experience eternal judgment.   Romans 2:5 Ezekiel 18:23 Ezekiel 33:11 John 3:16–17   Universalism   Mark 9:42–48 Matthew 25:46 Revelation 20:14–15   “Hell is a dreadful reality. To speak of it lightly proves we do not grasp its horror. I know of no one who has overstated the terrors of hell. We can scarcely surpass the horrid images Jesus used. We are meant to shudder. Why? Because the infinite horrors of hell are intended by God to be a vivid demonstration of the infinite value of his glory which sinners have belittled…When people repeat the centuries old objection that an eternal punishment is disproportionate to a finite life of sinning, they disregard the essential thing…The essential thing is that degrees of blameworthiness come not from how long you offend dignity, but from